ISO 4384-2: 2011 《滑動軸承 軸承合金的硬度試驗 第2部分 固體材料》國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(英文版)

International Standard ISO 4384-2:2011ISO 4384-2-2011(英文).png

Plain bearings — Hardness testing of bearing metals —

Part 2: Solid materials

ISO 4384 consists of the following parts, under the general title Plain bearings — Hardness testing of bearing metals:

—Part 1: Multilayer bearings materials

—Part 2: Solid materials

1  Scope

This International Standard specifies parameters for the hardness testing of solid materials for plain bearings made from cast and wrought copper and aluminium alloys by machining and forming their wrought products and ingots, and of tin-based ingots. It represents a supplement to existing International Standards on hardness testing and, therefore, includes only the extensions and restrictions for observation compared to

those publications.

Owing to the heterogeneous structural composition of the majority of these bearing metals, a Brinell test is used.

2  Specimen

The surface of the specimen in the test area shall be metallic bright and conditioned in such a way that a satisfactory measurement of the test impression is possible. During the preparation of the specimens, it shall be ensured that the material is not heated.

The testing of cast and wrought copper and aluminium alloys shall always be carried out on turned or flied and subsequently prepared surfaces, with the exception of hot-pressed parts.

If the manufacturing method permits, the specimens shall be carefully polished. In the case of lead and tin alloys with a roughness value of R t ≤ 6 μm, the polishing may be carried out with abrasive paper of grain size 240 and in the case of copper and aluminium alloys with a roughness value of R t ≤ 4 μm, with abrasive paper of grain size 320 and with a suitable lubricant.

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